Friday 14 December 2012

Random Post, Yeah.

I was assigned to make the documentation album for both plays!

I wanted to make the cover look unique so I made a collage! it's for memoirs (our CAF play) I'll make the CAE cover tomorrow. I'm officially exhausted...

Thursday 13 December 2012

Alaala ng Isang Geysha, Winning Play!

Congratulations to everyone who won, and didn't win in the play fest! :)

We all did our best and that's what's important!

Our efforts didnt go to waste because after the awarding, we went out the hall proudly for we won Best CAF play with our presentation of 'Memoirs of a Geisha' based on the film and the novel.

'Alaala ng Isang Geysha' by Year 2- St. Anne, Best 2nd Year Play 2012-2013.

Alaala ng Isang Geysha

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Proud Directioner


See that? Yeah, I know you can see that.

One Direction performed at Madison Square Garden today. Actually it was December 3 for them because of the time difference. 

Let me dedicate this post to Them. Let us recall the day they first started on X-Factor, the day they started their X-factor tour, the day they started their UAN tour and how they got to that big Arena. 

Here's Daddy Direction in MSG today ;)


Let's turn back time and recall the boys' most memorable performances:









Post ended! 

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Hunger Games Worship Post!

I love reading.

Let it be fiction, nonfiction, sci-fi, I love them.

I love sci-fi the most. Kind of. There's so much suspense and new stuff introduced in the book world that we wish we had in our world today.

Yeah, of all the books that I've held and read, my favorite and LITERALLY my favorite is the novel by Suzanne Collins, "The Hunger Games"

I've read all three books when I was in 1st year and it was literally the best book I've read... So far. I dont think the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy can beat that.

So, as you can see, a movie was released based on the 1st book of the trilogy. It was... Alright based on the movie itself but based on the book? Erm, let's say a lot was cut. Like Madge Undersee for example.

Now they're making another film for the sequel, Catching Fire, and it'll come out October NEXT year. I hope and pray that the new director will bring justice to the amazing novel. Please Make it as awesome as the book. I beg you. No, WE beg you.

The photos below are from the Hunger Games Philippines account on Facebook.

Saturday 24 November 2012

One Direction Penshoppe day

Guess who I saw in penshoppe?

Yep! A huge photo of One Direction!

The only sad thing is I planned this day to spend my P1000 on buying 1D related stuff! But what do I get?

Over prized Jackets that the boys wore.

Zayn's black and red jersey jacket cost for like P2000 and Niall's cardigan costs for P1000+! oh gosh, save me!

Since I went in the store with less money, I bought their album instead which only costs for P430. Sigh. Well atleast I got something 1D related. And I also bought some dental thingamajigs to make my teeth cleaner...


Thursday 22 November 2012

Kids Reading Pictured Books... My thoughts.

Somehow, I find it annoying when kids read books with pictures and react like they're reading a Hunger Games novel.

Like they read a really short sentence and they like squeak and squeal... Bleh!

They read books like those and react too much. ? Wow.

Either it's just really annoying or my patience is just cut really short... Or it's just short.

Or I just don't get along well with kids. Or I just dont like them...

Like my sister reading a book titled 'Save The White Whale' and she's laughing too much like ''What's so funny about saving a whale?''

If your reading a book like 'The Hunger Games' or a Sophie Kinsela book, I'd understand but...THAT? Seriously.

When she looks at me and tells me like it's a good book and its so 'funny' Im like:


Monday 19 November 2012

My Kind Of Jewelry

I'm not a girl whos fond of jewelry. But when I am, they're customized or blingy that just matches anything I wear! If not, they're just cute and super addictive! Plus they're cheap yet so adorable!

Japanese Umbrella

What's getting into a Japanese character when you don't have one of these?

Bring the Japanese spirit in the play!

Transport your audience to Japan, Mrs. Sardua says :D

Sunday 4 November 2012

Back to Reality?

NOVEMBER 5 2012.

Time to kiss those sweet late night movie marathons, sleeping at 2 AM, computer all the time and eating anytime we want. 

Because tomorrow.... sigh... it's time to hit reality....

Hey, guess what? Tomorrow's November 5! Which means it's time to wake up early again, go home late and cram for missed assignments and last minute studying for quizzes, which I did not study for... Again.

Life's good with no school right?

Wake up at noon...

Sleep late...

Sleep during the day...

Eat anytime...

no homework, no quizzes... just enjoying the sweet company of your bed and pillows.

Sigh. Those days are LONG GONE.

Set your alarm now before you forget! You can thank me later for reminding you. See you tomorrow! Enjoy these GIF's about student's reality about MONDAYS.



Friday 2 November 2012

Bible Camp Hang Over

Photo by: Jared Hu 
It has been 2 days after the 15th Archdiocesan Youth bible camp but my still set on that particular event.

You may think that when going to bible camp it's all about bible bible, blah blah blah. Well, yes it is in particular but seriously, you'll learn stuff applicable in real life.

I'll give an example:


No offense but Ateneo is like a jail house unlike Assumption with it's open spaces and breezy surroundings morning and afternoon.

Let's just say you'll freaking burn there. The only good time of the day being in their field is during night time or really early in the morning like 2-3 AM. You must be asking what we were doing outside at 2-3 AM... Simple. Woke up that early just to take a bath.

If your last for the bathroom then, sorry,  no water for you!

We call the thing where you rush to the bathroom: BATHROOM RACE

And after the bathroom, you have to eat breakfast or dinner. There you'll encounter another long line.

What else...

I think the part where every time after we eat our meals theres a particular activity for like an hour or 2 then snacks again. The fun events are the ones in the evening. Like the concert and the friendship hour. The Friendship Hour was hosted by Assumption so it was freaking fun.

Plus in Bible Camp there are more masses. Like in 3 days we had like 4-5 masses. In the 2nd day, early in the morning we prayed the rosary and went around the subdivision thing.

With all the events that happened, it's so hard to elaborate them. Let me summarize them in pictures.... on the next post... I won't be in ALL the pictures ok? xD

Thanks for reading.

'Life without love is like faith without patience'
      -Patience Group motto
(3rd place in the Amazing Race. whoop whoop!)

Sunday 14 October 2012

Lights In Bearland

The weekend was PACKED.

This Sunday I turned fourteen, finally. I celebrated it in Bearland Resort, Tigbauan with my cousins and...

We had a blast! 

Bearland has an amazing pool bar and infinity pool. Half of the place is water. The best part is it overlooks the ocean and it's really windy. The location is not along the road, which I think is good because its not too busy. The place is really quiet. It's great place to just relax and think. Though the entrance is a bit expensive but it's totally worth it. 

My goal there was to capture the sunset with a magnificent view. I missed it. So instead, I captured the beautiful lights! ;) 


Monday 8 October 2012

Nights After Examination

2nd quarter exams just ended and life is sweet once again!

Well, for now.

As you all know, it's the time of the school year where Assumption High School students will showcase their talents in acting. 3rd Quarter is the part of the year where the play festivals occur.

Students are jumping for joy since the nights of staying up late, cramming, studying and doing last minute projects are over, for now.

What else can I say? Enjoy the moment while it lasts. Before we know it, it's December and we're nearing the closing of classes once again.

But yes, just enjoy the freaking moment while it freaking lasts!

But we have other things to worry about...

Our exam scores... Good luck to all :)

Click Here For Photo Link (1st photo)

Click Here for photo link (2nd Photo)

Saturday 29 September 2012

The Saddest Weekend. . .

This weekend has been... crap.

Let me tell you about it.

Yesterday, Saturday, I stayed up until 12-2AM working on my Journalism project and social studies research paper. Don't judge me. I have a habit of doing things in the last minute and it's something I should get rid of.

The depression adds up when my favorite couple split up.

RIP Payzer. 

Liam Payne and Danuielle Peazer are NO MORE. :(
For me this is one of the couples I admire the most. They've been together for 2 years. They met when One Direction were contestants in the x-factor and Danielle was a dancer. They dated in 2010 and after 2 long years of Liam's happy relationship... it ended.
It broke the heart of directioners everywhere.

Its ok if you dont care.

I didnt at first but this may be the saddest weekend this year.

I know Im exaggerating but... Hey, I'm not lying. This is one of the most realistic relationships in the celebrity world.

2 normal people meet. The guy's a contestant and the girl's a dancer. They fall inlove and the next thing you know it, it ends.

The video belongs to the respective owner, Becky MJ96 from youtube.

Friday 21 September 2012

Friday Photos

Friday. Again. Yay!

No, not really. It's almost quarter and mastery tests. But that never stops me from my hobby! :D

My love. My passion. My hobby. My dedication. PHOTOGRAPHY.

(Whoa. Exaggerated? XD)

Anyway, I went around (not really) the campus, took pictures of the fields, buildings and other things. That's how crazy I am with taking pictures. Everything is so random.

What I see, I capture ;D

Saturday 15 September 2012

My Love For Books!

Somehow you'll find me carrying a book, of course I will be I'm a student! But I'm not talking about school books. No matter how useful and needed they are, the books I'm talking about are somewhat. . . More entertaining. I know, I know. I should stick to school books but everybody needs entertainment and suspense!

Basically my life revolves around wattpad, cellphone, laptop and, of course, fiction books.

Nothing gets my spirit up but lovely, thick and pictureless books.

I'm a sci-fi freak. I love sci-fi books like:

 'The Hunger Games Trilogy' by Suzanne Collins
If you haven't read it, your missing 1/2 of you life. Its the best book ever written. Its about survival, rebellion, war, uprisings and death. Though there is a love story between the 2 main characters Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. It shows how the 2 survive their first and 2nd hunger games and how they beat the capitol in the rebellion or uprising or WAR . 

'Starters' (but I haven't finished it yet) by Lissa Price 
You've heard of a blood bank right? Sperm bank? But have you heard of a 'Body Bank'?
This book is again about survival and false identity. It's so futuristic that it shows that you can be at least 150 years old. they are referred to as enders in this series, due to improved medicines, drugs, whatever AND  can 'RENT' bodies of teenagers, known as starters here. I know. Strange right? In this book, you'll read how science has changed, improved or worsen the lives of people. A company that enables this body renting has something worse plans for the starters AND the renters

'Legend' by Marie Lu

A story about 2 different people, a high class 16-year old military girl (June) and a poor, wanted 16-year old criminal boy (Daniel or Day). The 2 meet after the June's brother was assassinated and Day was the #1 suspect. Im not spoiling ANYTHING. I dont know how to describe this story but it's more about war, violence, military, survival, poverty, violence, choices and suspense. 

 and 'The 39 Clues' books but I stopped reading it since it's Sooooo long.
It's about, again, survival, competition, family, mystery and adventure. Well this is new. Dan and Amy Cahill are mediocre compared to their cousins who are wealthy, talented and.... violent. After their grandmother Grace's death, she left a quest for all Cahill's to fight for which involves traveling AROUND THE WORLD. Amy and Dan's parents died and they got nothing. BUT if they win this quest they'll become the most powerful people in the WORLD. They had a choice, of course. 1 million dollars? or the 1st clue of the 39...

Fifty Shades of Gray

'Fifty Shades of Grey' by E L James.
A love story. Not Sci-fi. Business, love. hot young CEO, persuasive, bossy and extremely goodlooking!
Im only in the 1st book so I can't give the summary. However, I have my thoughts to be said about this book. Read it below.
"Good-looking son of a (female dog)" Says Katherine Kavanagh describing hot CEO, Multi-millionare Christian Grey.

This book is mostly about love. I know what your thinking. EUGH. It is with all the sex scenes but screw those parts and focus on the love story. It'll give you moments where you just want to shriek, squeal at the adorableness of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele. You'll want more and more and to continue it chapter by chapter without taking any breaks. I havent had time to read this but I do in my freetime and I make sure that I will not go a day without opening my iBooks and read a chapter of this book!

Oh joy to books!

What I look for in books are suspense, cliffhangers, something that'll make me squeal with excitement, shriek with so much 'kilig', something out of this world, extraordinary, great story line, romance, adventure and mystery.

You can say I have a 'bookworm' side and a 'techno geek' side. Why? I don't know maybe I read BOOKS in my PHONE. Bonus!

They say that books makes you smarter but I think they're just for entertainment. The only books that make you smarter are dictionaries, school books and encyclopedias. Mainly my thought about fictional books are something to take up time. Plus they're like TV in your head!

Who wouldn't want built in TV?


The photos attached DO NOT belong to me. They belong to the respective owners of EACH books and whoever posted them on the Internet takes all the credit. I own nothing but the article.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Thank God it's Wednesday

Wednesday, September 12 2012. Sigh.

St. Anne started with the effigy and I made my dreams turn into reality when I became Stacey's human scotch tape dispenser and holder.

Making effigy's are fun :D

Friday 7 September 2012

WYA Visits The Museum

Thursday, Sept. 6 2012 was the day the Assumption WYA club visited the Museum.

We didn't do much but observed and look.

If I must say of all the artifacts, statues and long ago objects, my favorite was the letter.

It's hard to describe but the paper wad already yellowish since it was still from the Japanese period...

Monday 3 September 2012

Hair Twit-Twats

Im sure most of us girls just LOVE to do different twit-twats on our hair. I have to admit, Im one of those.

One of my superultramegabestfriend, Celina, told me to visit a site called The Beauty Department because she said it has so many cool, fashionable, pretty things.

Yeah, I did and the 1st night I visited it, I didn't dare to leave my laptop. There are so many pretty do's and other stuff but I guess my eyes were glued on the hairstyles since I enjoy doing hair twit-twats on my sister's hair and sometimes my own.

I grabbed some photos from The Beauty Department to show their pretty hairstyles!

Perfect for school and other occasions.

This is REALLY pretty. Why?
I adore braids So much! Im not a braiding expert but I enjoy them because it's like 'Art' on someones head!
Like tattoos! Their art but on the body while braiding is art on someone head!
That didnt sound right, did it?
anyway, if you wanna see the full tutorial, I'll have the links at the bottom so it wont be a hassle for you ;)

Go for a Lady Gaga hairstyle or a ballerina look.
Whichever look you choose, you'll look neat and tidy!
The Braid but is actually perfect for ballerinas. I recommend it though.

Another pretty hairstyle I tried but it didnt end well.
But isnt it pretty?
It may look simple on the top picture but it requires alot of effort, really. I tried on my sister's hair and since her hair is straight and long it would 'Pisik' or fall out of place no matter how many hair pins I use.
If your a patient person, you should try this.
But since Im not patient sometimes, I easily give up (Lol?)

BOOM! I know a lot of girls would like to try the new hairstyle, 'Dip Dye'. But in our case, the ACnistas case, we can't because the school's SOP is 'NO HAIR DYE'. They helping us live out the saying 'Simplicity is truth'. How I love my school....

ANYWAY. Those who are interested in dip dye, this will come in handy since you use CHALK, not DYE. But it looks like dye, huh? More info. at the bottom later

This is not a hair twit twat but LOOK HOW COOL THAT IS! ISNT IT JUST AWESOME?? Plaid naild are so cool. Another Beauty department magic :D

HOLA! Here are the Links.

The Braid Parade -

Heart Braid -

Chalk Dye -


All photos and links belong to the