Saturday 15 September 2012

My Love For Books!

Somehow you'll find me carrying a book, of course I will be I'm a student! But I'm not talking about school books. No matter how useful and needed they are, the books I'm talking about are somewhat. . . More entertaining. I know, I know. I should stick to school books but everybody needs entertainment and suspense!

Basically my life revolves around wattpad, cellphone, laptop and, of course, fiction books.

Nothing gets my spirit up but lovely, thick and pictureless books.

I'm a sci-fi freak. I love sci-fi books like:

 'The Hunger Games Trilogy' by Suzanne Collins
If you haven't read it, your missing 1/2 of you life. Its the best book ever written. Its about survival, rebellion, war, uprisings and death. Though there is a love story between the 2 main characters Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. It shows how the 2 survive their first and 2nd hunger games and how they beat the capitol in the rebellion or uprising or WAR . 

'Starters' (but I haven't finished it yet) by Lissa Price 
You've heard of a blood bank right? Sperm bank? But have you heard of a 'Body Bank'?
This book is again about survival and false identity. It's so futuristic that it shows that you can be at least 150 years old. they are referred to as enders in this series, due to improved medicines, drugs, whatever AND  can 'RENT' bodies of teenagers, known as starters here. I know. Strange right? In this book, you'll read how science has changed, improved or worsen the lives of people. A company that enables this body renting has something worse plans for the starters AND the renters

'Legend' by Marie Lu

A story about 2 different people, a high class 16-year old military girl (June) and a poor, wanted 16-year old criminal boy (Daniel or Day). The 2 meet after the June's brother was assassinated and Day was the #1 suspect. Im not spoiling ANYTHING. I dont know how to describe this story but it's more about war, violence, military, survival, poverty, violence, choices and suspense. 

 and 'The 39 Clues' books but I stopped reading it since it's Sooooo long.
It's about, again, survival, competition, family, mystery and adventure. Well this is new. Dan and Amy Cahill are mediocre compared to their cousins who are wealthy, talented and.... violent. After their grandmother Grace's death, she left a quest for all Cahill's to fight for which involves traveling AROUND THE WORLD. Amy and Dan's parents died and they got nothing. BUT if they win this quest they'll become the most powerful people in the WORLD. They had a choice, of course. 1 million dollars? or the 1st clue of the 39...

Fifty Shades of Gray

'Fifty Shades of Grey' by E L James.
A love story. Not Sci-fi. Business, love. hot young CEO, persuasive, bossy and extremely goodlooking!
Im only in the 1st book so I can't give the summary. However, I have my thoughts to be said about this book. Read it below.
"Good-looking son of a (female dog)" Says Katherine Kavanagh describing hot CEO, Multi-millionare Christian Grey.

This book is mostly about love. I know what your thinking. EUGH. It is with all the sex scenes but screw those parts and focus on the love story. It'll give you moments where you just want to shriek, squeal at the adorableness of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele. You'll want more and more and to continue it chapter by chapter without taking any breaks. I havent had time to read this but I do in my freetime and I make sure that I will not go a day without opening my iBooks and read a chapter of this book!

Oh joy to books!

What I look for in books are suspense, cliffhangers, something that'll make me squeal with excitement, shriek with so much 'kilig', something out of this world, extraordinary, great story line, romance, adventure and mystery.

You can say I have a 'bookworm' side and a 'techno geek' side. Why? I don't know maybe I read BOOKS in my PHONE. Bonus!

They say that books makes you smarter but I think they're just for entertainment. The only books that make you smarter are dictionaries, school books and encyclopedias. Mainly my thought about fictional books are something to take up time. Plus they're like TV in your head!

Who wouldn't want built in TV?


The photos attached DO NOT belong to me. They belong to the respective owners of EACH books and whoever posted them on the Internet takes all the credit. I own nothing but the article.

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