Monday 8 October 2012

Nights After Examination

2nd quarter exams just ended and life is sweet once again!

Well, for now.

As you all know, it's the time of the school year where Assumption High School students will showcase their talents in acting. 3rd Quarter is the part of the year where the play festivals occur.

Students are jumping for joy since the nights of staying up late, cramming, studying and doing last minute projects are over, for now.

What else can I say? Enjoy the moment while it lasts. Before we know it, it's December and we're nearing the closing of classes once again.

But yes, just enjoy the freaking moment while it freaking lasts!

But we have other things to worry about...

Our exam scores... Good luck to all :)

Click Here For Photo Link (1st photo)

Click Here for photo link (2nd Photo)

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