Tuesday 27 November 2012

Hunger Games Worship Post!

I love reading.

Let it be fiction, nonfiction, sci-fi, I love them.

I love sci-fi the most. Kind of. There's so much suspense and new stuff introduced in the book world that we wish we had in our world today.

Yeah, of all the books that I've held and read, my favorite and LITERALLY my favorite is the novel by Suzanne Collins, "The Hunger Games"

I've read all three books when I was in 1st year and it was literally the best book I've read... So far. I dont think the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy can beat that.

So, as you can see, a movie was released based on the 1st book of the trilogy. It was... Alright based on the movie itself but based on the book? Erm, let's say a lot was cut. Like Madge Undersee for example.

Now they're making another film for the sequel, Catching Fire, and it'll come out October NEXT year. I hope and pray that the new director will bring justice to the amazing novel. Please Make it as awesome as the book. I beg you. No, WE beg you.

The photos below are from the Hunger Games Philippines account on Facebook.

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