Tuesday 12 June 2012

This is What I Want

Surely all of us want something.
What we'll do for a living once we've graduated college and live our lives as adults.
Some us dont even know where or what we want. But I'm telling you... You'll find it.
As for me, I want to be a photographer. I love nature because it's beautiful. I'm sure all of us think that too.
I found out that my passion's photography after I took a photography class at WVSU this summer for 10 weekends.
I told my parents that this is what I want. This is what I want to do when I grow up. This is my interest.
Some people say that photography is just 'Point & Shoot'. No, it's more than that.
My teacher said that if I want to come up with a good composition, I have to be sure that I'm willing to do anything. It's hard, actually. You have to find the perfect angle, aperture value, shutter speed, and the object that's going to be your center of attention that'll attract the audiences attention.
For other people it's the easiest thing in the world. I guess they won't say that unless they actually study it.
I learned that it's hard when my teacher shared his experiences with us. First meeting I already felt like it was a waste of time but as the sessions go on, it's starts getting boring and boring and boring. Yes, I admit I thought like that inside the classroom. But once you started with the activities outdoors, I'm telling you. That's where you can appreciate the course... Alot.

Success isn't measure on how many positive comments you've received but you can tell yourself your successful because you appreciated and it depends on you on how you think about it.

So now, Im proud of myself. Im almost done with basic photography and I'm proud of myself for that.

Photography is what I want to do. Its my interest, my hobby AND

It's my passion.

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