Saturday 16 June 2012

Every Moment Needs a Click of the Camera

So far, the Vainest person I know is.... Gellaine.
She would take a phone and take pictures of herself...
When you take a pic with a different person and she's there, she would Insert. But I love her though! :D

When your with Bea Laglagaron, Tret Sartorio, Anna Agudo & Nana Lee... Let's just say every move you make deserves a click of the camera.

You'd want to capture all your moments with these people because it only happens once. Everyday is different. Can be fun or depressing but with these people, they can turn your day upside down. LITERALLY.

You know a moment is deserves to be in a photo when all you do is LOL every time your together with no apparent reason or just LOL at the most random things you do!

When your with the people I mentioned above, the moment you spend with them deserves a click of your camera.


I know my blog is a bit boring... Ok SO boring. But... Amu Lang gid ni ang ga sulod sa utak ko! XD

I'm a random person. I can be fun, noisy, crazy, VAIN, weird, dorky, loud, quiet, serious, boring, mean, insecure, shy, confident, a bit of a daydreamer, ambitious, do some weird things not most people do but yeah, that's what randomness is about! There. I defined it! Sort of.

But for me randomness in a person is like not having a steady personality. And that's what I am :)

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