Saturday 16 June 2012

End Of Photo-1B (Experience)

Awarding Ceremony of WVSU Photo Contest last June 16 at 2PM.
The picture below is the picture that got in the top 10 for Silhoette/Sunset category and the model (etchos) is my cousin. The location is Boracay and the time is I have no idea xD
So sad that photo-1 had to end. I know everything must come to an end but why so soon?! I just started making new friends :(
The afternoon group, us, weren't as close as the morning group was to each other because we don't talk to each other alot, obviously, were so reserved and we keep things to ourselves.
Our age gaps are far far away. I'm only 13 and the rest like have jobs and professionals! For them it's easy to relate because they're adult and I'm just a High School Sophomore.
I can't easily relate to them. They have pretty busy lives with their jobs and everything, places they go and been to all the time. The only place that I have my most visits is my room. 24/7 during the summer.
But I guess I judged too early. They're actually helpful people. Always sticking out for the little one xD which is me. LOL.
I didn't go to the practicoms because of the fact that parents came home, traveling and stuff... And there they started to bond but I wasn't there which is depressing. Felt more left out than ever.
But the upside down side to having these kinds of classmates is that I can talk to them easily. I ask help from them and they teach me easily.
So during our awarding ceremony our group got most of the award, yay us, including Moi! ;)

I so badly want to enroll for photo-2 but it's a hassle because of school and the school's schedule is... Well, unpredictable. There's still time! I love this course and this is a chance where I can meet new people and make new friends! :)

"Expect the Unexpected"

"Don't judge a book by it's cover"

"Live fast, Have fun and be a little mischievous!"
-Louis William Tomlinson

"Don't live life in fear of death."
-Zayn Malik

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