Monday 23 July 2012



They boost our confidence, they make us feel good and...
they make pretty good captions ;)
Reading quotes on tumblr, facebook, twitter, instagram, wherever else is the same. They make you feel good about yourself, they inspire us, they make us laugh and we can easily relate with them through our experiences.
For me, they make pictures look better. Long quotes arent necessary or appropriate to be placed in such deep pictures. Short quotes with deep meanings are more appropriate and though they are deep, it gives meaning to the picture and enlightens the viewers more. Sometimes quotes just makes you laugh and makes you expect something deeeeeeeeeeeep but sometimes its not what you expect...

The photos arent mine but the #2 is by Sofia Abenir. I just edited it and thats me! :D

THE FIRST photo is what the speaker told us in our photo class during the summer when she discussed about basic composition. She said that the simplest photos are the hardest to achieve. Why? Because some just make 'Palagpat' when taking pictures or the photos are so 'Ma arte'. So the simpler the picture, the better it looks compared to those that are taken slantingly or whatsoever. Plus it looks professional ;)


THE SECOND quote is emo-ish if I'd like to describe it. 
Im pretty everyone has experienced this. There are times where you expect something to be a lot better or at least what you expected but it ends up way worse. It's like you JINXED. I know, I hate that too. So sad right? You expected something positive and it ended up in a negative outcome. It's depressing...


THE THIRD one is what ive learned over the summer! Let me state that in a different sentence. 
Your not too old or too young to pursue on what you love doing. 
I came up with the quote because that's what my dad told me. He said that photography is just a hobby but if I truly or passionately, I should continue on pursuing it but at a different time because as a student, school should be my number one priority. 
And the same time when the speaker came and she quoted the exact same thing. It's not too late to do what you want to do. She was somehow shocked to find out I was only 13 since my classmates were like 30+. =_=

THE FOURTH photo, save the best for last, i dont have to explain that because the photo says all!
Quote by Anna Nava :D

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