Wednesday 1 August 2012

All About THESE People

People coocoo for the camera

This blog is mainly about the awesome people who entered my life and they're not planning to go away soon xD joke! I love you all! I'll go in alphabetical order so no one complains ;)
They're really weird! You can probably see it in the picture up there. Nonetheless, I love them! :D


As you can see, this adorable girl... I met her in freshman year. My first day of school was already their 2nd week or 3rd. And when I arrived I was completely clueless. ANYWAY! Back on the topic.

She's more or less the responsible one. She sometimes acts like a kid, LOL, and sometimes she acts like my big sister as well. She doesn't call me 'Faye' she calls me 'Manay' though she is older than me.

She reminds me what's right or wrong, what to do and what not to do... So that's mainly why she's like my big sister :D

She always admits that she's pretty. ;) Of course you are Anna. :D


This girl... How do I start? I've known her since grade 2 and I hated her. We pulled each others hair and screamed at each others faces but that happened like 6 years ago. MOVING ON.

She's really... Weird. She claims that's she's awesome and I couldn't deny that, she is! She does the most random things you wouldn't expect. She sometimes would slap you for no apparent reason. She's very aggressive yet you still want her in your life, no joke. She's a great artist for the record :) She moves alot and does funny hand and leg movements that it's weird but its contagious, you'll end up doing it.

People love her for who she is. She's not hiding anything. She shows everyone who she really is and that's why they love her ;)

Your probably wondering How we became bestfriends. Meh. Ask me personally, I'm not going to put it here xD


Yeah,, I know Bea since gr2 but we werent close xD

She had her own group of friends and she started going with us in gr4 or 5, not sure. ANYWAY.

Bea's the Belieber from the group but she doesnt fangirl a lot. This girl is cookoo for bieber. Say one negative thing about bieber and you'll get a slap on your arm from her! She's Gellaine's 'Sloth'. She likes being scratched! She's the oldest from the 7 of us but it's not really showing xD

She's in to corny jokes and asks random people. Even teachers. Gellaines her partner in crime, no joke.

She just loves to attack people with jokes :)


This pretty faced girl, I met her in freshman year too. She was my seatmate but we didn't talk alot. XD

Let me tell you, she's really conscious of her weight. She would always comment on herself that she's fat but no, she's lying.

She sings really well and she plays the guitar. She hugs people a lot and here's a lesson I learned from her...

Love hurts.

She hugged my once really tight and dragged me to the canteen with her arm around my neck. Beautiful, right? She loves me that much ;)


Another pretty faced girl who's madly inlove with music.

She likes almost every music you make her listen to. Like Nana, she sings very well ;)

I met her in Gr4 and I first thought she was American ;)) We became friends because of her giving us her deserts! I know it's a really weird way of becoming friends but that how that happened!

We're weird, we know.


Lastly, but never the least ;)

This girl... Her name's the longest from the 7 of us... But she likes to be called 'Tret'

This girl NEVER runs out of things to say. She says things out of the blue and acts weird almost all the time.

She always comes to my house because we're in the same town xD

She could go on everyday without shutting up. She's very loud and sometimes lost in thoughts but that's mainly because... She's Tret. XD just kidding dude, I love you ;)))

If I'm always with her, I'd be loud too. She talks about random things that sometime doesn't make any sense or stuff that only she could understand. Sure, she's Tret. Tret being Tret. ;)

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