Saturday 26 January 2013

Intramurals 2013 Experience (Short post)

Teamwork and faith in God. 

Ascoltare tribe prepares for the softball game.

This was our ticket to the softball championship game but maybe it was meant for us. Oh well. Everyone tried their best.

We went home 4th place on the last day but it doesnt matter.

(We're still pretty)

Of course a lot were upset especially our 4th year manangs since it was their last intramurals and we didnt win in any major games.

Although this year taught me that win or lose, at least you had fun.

Our tribe may not have the best players or not that united. But there's one thing we always do together.

We PRAY together. Once it comes to putting ourselves in God's presence, that's the moment we all come together as one tribe.

One of the most touching moments during the whole Intramurals was when we were about to present our group presentation and we gathered in the volleyball court and joined hands together and prayed for a successful presentation. Like I said, prayer is the only thing that brings us together. :)

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