Tuesday 1 January 2013

Done and Dead

Book lovers like me understand this.

You start off with a book thinking 'this is boring.' 'this won't end well' then when you continue reading and reading until you get to the middle part, fangirling is born.

Little by little you start loving the book and you just can't put it down.

Especially when it comes to trilogies.

You start with the first book then your in a hurry to get to the 2nd book then when your there you get really happy then the 3rd book and when you're in the middle you just feel like you wish you hadnt read it too fast.

I recently finished a trilogy with sweetest and cutest love story, with a seriously hot hot hot guy (if you know me well, you know what I'm talking about), and really, I just felt like I died.

The same feeling after reading The Hunger Games.

Everytime you finish a trilogy or a book, it's like you're equally


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