Tuesday 27 November 2012

Hunger Games Worship Post!

I love reading.

Let it be fiction, nonfiction, sci-fi, I love them.

I love sci-fi the most. Kind of. There's so much suspense and new stuff introduced in the book world that we wish we had in our world today.

Yeah, of all the books that I've held and read, my favorite and LITERALLY my favorite is the novel by Suzanne Collins, "The Hunger Games"

I've read all three books when I was in 1st year and it was literally the best book I've read... So far. I dont think the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy can beat that.

So, as you can see, a movie was released based on the 1st book of the trilogy. It was... Alright based on the movie itself but based on the book? Erm, let's say a lot was cut. Like Madge Undersee for example.

Now they're making another film for the sequel, Catching Fire, and it'll come out October NEXT year. I hope and pray that the new director will bring justice to the amazing novel. Please Make it as awesome as the book. I beg you. No, WE beg you.

The photos below are from the Hunger Games Philippines account on Facebook.

Saturday 24 November 2012

One Direction Penshoppe day

Guess who I saw in penshoppe?

Yep! A huge photo of One Direction!

The only sad thing is I planned this day to spend my P1000 on buying 1D related stuff! But what do I get?

Over prized Jackets that the boys wore.

Zayn's black and red jersey jacket cost for like P2000 and Niall's cardigan costs for P1000+! oh gosh, save me!

Since I went in the store with less money, I bought their album instead which only costs for P430. Sigh. Well atleast I got something 1D related. And I also bought some dental thingamajigs to make my teeth cleaner...


Thursday 22 November 2012

Kids Reading Pictured Books... My thoughts.

Somehow, I find it annoying when kids read books with pictures and react like they're reading a Hunger Games novel.

Like they read a really short sentence and they like squeak and squeal... Bleh!

They read books like those and react too much. ? Wow.

Either it's just really annoying or my patience is just cut really short... Or it's just short.

Or I just don't get along well with kids. Or I just dont like them...

Like my sister reading a book titled 'Save The White Whale' and she's laughing too much like ''What's so funny about saving a whale?''

If your reading a book like 'The Hunger Games' or a Sophie Kinsela book, I'd understand but...THAT? Seriously.

When she looks at me and tells me like it's a good book and its so 'funny' Im like:


Monday 19 November 2012

My Kind Of Jewelry

I'm not a girl whos fond of jewelry. But when I am, they're customized or blingy that just matches anything I wear! If not, they're just cute and super addictive! Plus they're cheap yet so adorable!

Japanese Umbrella

What's getting into a Japanese character when you don't have one of these?

Bring the Japanese spirit in the play!

Transport your audience to Japan, Mrs. Sardua says :D

Sunday 4 November 2012

Back to Reality?

Source: http://www.gigglepoetry.com/poem_illustrations/529.jpg
NOVEMBER 5 2012.

Time to kiss those sweet late night movie marathons, sleeping at 2 AM, computer all the time and eating anytime we want. 

Because tomorrow.... sigh... it's time to hit reality....

Hey, guess what? Tomorrow's November 5! Which means it's time to wake up early again, go home late and cram for missed assignments and last minute studying for quizzes, which I did not study for... Again.

Life's good with no school right?

Wake up at noon...

Sleep late...

Sleep during the day...

Eat anytime...

no homework, no quizzes... just enjoying the sweet company of your bed and pillows.

Sigh. Those days are LONG GONE.

Set your alarm now before you forget! You can thank me later for reminding you. See you tomorrow! Enjoy these GIF's about student's reality about MONDAYS.

SOURCE: http://weheartit.com/entry/35852850/via/MarinaFB
SOURCE: http://weheartit.com/entry/37647497/via/tajosima

source: http://weheartit.com/entry/34743157/via/Brokenalien

Friday 2 November 2012

Bible Camp Hang Over

Photo by: Jared Hu 
It has been 2 days after the 15th Archdiocesan Youth bible camp but my still set on that particular event.

You may think that when going to bible camp it's all about bible bible, blah blah blah. Well, yes it is in particular but seriously, you'll learn stuff applicable in real life.

I'll give an example:


No offense but Ateneo is like a jail house unlike Assumption with it's open spaces and breezy surroundings morning and afternoon.

Let's just say you'll freaking burn there. The only good time of the day being in their field is during night time or really early in the morning like 2-3 AM. You must be asking what we were doing outside at 2-3 AM... Simple. Woke up that early just to take a bath.

If your last for the bathroom then, sorry,  no water for you!

We call the thing where you rush to the bathroom: BATHROOM RACE

And after the bathroom, you have to eat breakfast or dinner. There you'll encounter another long line.

What else...

I think the part where every time after we eat our meals theres a particular activity for like an hour or 2 then snacks again. The fun events are the ones in the evening. Like the concert and the friendship hour. The Friendship Hour was hosted by Assumption so it was freaking fun.

Plus in Bible Camp there are more masses. Like in 3 days we had like 4-5 masses. In the 2nd day, early in the morning we prayed the rosary and went around the subdivision thing.

With all the events that happened, it's so hard to elaborate them. Let me summarize them in pictures.... on the next post... I won't be in ALL the pictures ok? xD

Thanks for reading.

'Life without love is like faith without patience'
      -Patience Group motto
(3rd place in the Amazing Race. whoop whoop!)