Friday 22 February 2013

Dream Catchers


A bit antique.


And beautiful hand art.

They're pretty and collectible. There are different designs and different colors they use for the feathers and the gem in the center which makes it beautiful.

Monday 11 February 2013


Im not a girly girl.

And these are the clothes that I would definitely wear since they're not too petite, girly and preppy.

Except for the top in #2! I would wear it if it's not tied at the bottom.  ;)

Fairytales and Real Life

I know it's crazy and weird for a 14 year old to watch old fairy tale movies but I cant help it.

In Fairy tales, we are taught that dreams come true and we find 'true love' even if we're maids or princesses.

Fairy tales are great to 'hypnotize' or influence young girls that prince charmings arent only for princesses but for EVERY ONE.

Yes that's how I felt when I was kid. You meet Prince Charming, he takes you to his castle, you get married and lived happily ever after. No shiz in that but this is real life.

There's no freaking castles and balls and magical glass slippers or poisonous apples created by conceited queens or crazy stepmothers who turn into dragons. Well, these are the things that causes agony or 'nightmares' as they describe them.

In real life  we have exams, over-protective parents, slow internet connections, hot celebrities whom we know we can never date! It's sad. Really sad. :(

Though there is one thing fairy tales taught us that's applicable in real life:

"No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true"
   - Cinderella